
Privacy Policy

Welcome to Zaid Excel Design! Ensuring the confidentiality of your information is a cornerstone of our commitment to your privacy. This Privacy Policy details the data we collect, its purpose, and the precautions we take to secure it. By utilizing our Work Management App, you implicitly consent to the terms outlined in this policy.

Information Collection and Use:

In addition to personal details like your name and email, we may collect non-personal information, such as device specifics and usage statistics, for a more tailored app experience.

Location Tracking:

To enhance operational efficiency during site visits, our app includes a location tracking feature. This feature is optional, and users can choose to enable or disable it at any time. The collected location data is subject to stringent privacy measures to ensure user confidentiality.

Use of Information:

Collected data serves various purposes, including app improvement, personalized services, and communication updates.

Information Sharing:

We do not sell or trade your personal information. Trusted third parties involved in app operations may access data, contingent on their adherence to strict confidentiality standards.

Data Security:

We employ industry-standard security measures to safeguard against unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction of data. While we prioritize robust security protocols, it's important to note that no online method is entirely infallible.

User Control:

You maintain control over your information. Options for reviewing, updating, or deleting personal information are available, along with the ability to opt out of specific communications.

Policy Updates:

This Privacy Policy may undergo periodic updates to reflect alterations in our data practices, including features like the location tracking functionality. Users will be informed of material changes through the app or other communication channels.

Contact Information:

For inquiries or concerns regarding your privacy, reach out to us at [contact email/phone].

By continuing to use the Zaid Excel Design Work Management App, you acknowledge and agree to the terms stipulated in this Privacy Policy. We appreciate your trust in our commitment to your data privacy.