
Privacy Policy

This app is only for patient there relatives and our team member to reach to there precise location eg to reach doctors OPD.

As our campus consist of more than 150 building it takes long time to reach till doctor and thus they can use other apps like phone and messages and camera etc. that’s why background location is important even if when the app is closed or not in used so we can locate patient in our campus in case of emergency so this app needs to be run in background always in use

Last updated: 26/05/2023

Mapann ("us," "we," or "our") operates the Mapann application (the "App"). This page informs you of our policies regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information we receive from users of the App.

Information Collection and Use:

We respect your privacy and are committed to protecting any personal information you may provide us with while using the App.


The purpose of the Mapann app is to offer patients efficient and reliable wayfinding and navigation services within hospital premises. The app is specifically designed to assist patients in easily finding their way and accessing various locations, including doctor's offices, laboratories, pharmacies, cafeterias, etc. within large hospital buildings.

By using Mapann, patients can conveniently navigate complex hospital layouts and swiftly locate their designated doctor's locations. This purpose ensures that patients can easily reach their appointments and receive timely medical attention without any unnecessary delays or confusion.

The specific purposes of the Mapann app for location data are as follows:

1.Location-Based Services:

The Mapann app utilizes location data to offer personalized and relevant services based on the user's current or desired location. This includes interest and maps, providing navigation instructions, suggesting nearby points of interest, and facilitating efficient routes.

2.Enhanced User Experience:

The Mapann app utilizes location data to offer personalized and relevant services based on the user's current or desired location. This includes interest and maps, providing navigation instructions, suggesting nearby points of interest, and facilitating efficient routes.

3. Location Analytics and Improvements:

The Mapann app utilizes location data to offer personalized and relevant services based on the user's current or desired location. This includes interest and maps, providing navigation instructions, suggesting nearby points of interest, and facilitating efficient routes.

4. Compliance with Legal and Regulatory Requirements:

The Mapann app adheres to applicable laws and regulations concerning the collection, use, and protection of location data. This includes obtaining appropriate consent, providing transparency in data practices, and ensuring data security and privacy.

Types of Data Collected:

While using our App, we may collect various types of information to provide you with the best navigation experience possible. These types of data include:

  • 1. Location Information:

    Mapann utilizes GPS, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), and mobile data to determine your location both indoors and outdoors. This information is used solely to provide accurate navigation and wayfinding services within the App.

  • 2. Device Information:

    We may collect certain information about your device, such as the device model, operating system version, unique device identifiers, and network information. This data is used to ensure compatibility, improve our services, and enhance the overall user experience.

  • 3. Log Data:

    Like most mobile applications, we automatically collect certain information whenever you interact with the App. This may include your device's IP address, browser type, App pages, the time and date of your visit, and other statistics. We use this information to analyze usage patterns, diagnose technical issues, and improve the App's functionality.

Data Security:

We take the security of your personal information seriously. We implement industry-standard measures to protect against unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction of the data we collect. However, please be aware that no method of transmission over the Internet or electronic storage is 100% secure, and we cannot guarantee absolute security.

Data Sharing:

We do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer your personal information to third parties without your consent, except as described in this Privacy Policy. We may share your information with trusted partners and service providers who assist us in operating the App, providing services to you, or conducting our business. These entities are obligated to keep your information confidential and use it only for the purposes specified by us.

Analytics and Tracking:

Mapann may use third-party analytics tools and services to analyze user behavior and improve the App's performance and user experience. These tools may collect and analyze information such as user interactions, device information, and usage patterns. The collected data is aggregated and anonymized to protect your privacy.

Children's Privacy:

Mapann does not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 13. If you believe we have inadvertently collected such information, please contact us immediately, and we will act appropriately to remove the information from our systems.

Changes to this Privacy Policy:

We reserve the right to update or change our Privacy Policy at any time, and you should review this Privacy Policy periodically. Your continued use of the App after we post any modifications to the Privacy Policy on this page will constitute your acknowledgment of the modifications and your consent to abide by and be bound by the modified Privacy Policy.

Contact Us:

If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy, please contact us at info@vcaretechnologies.net.

By using the Mapann App, you signify your acceptance of this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to this policy, please do not use our App.